Thursday, May 28, 2009

"Crossing Cambie"

Oil on board
$125 includes s/h
click here to ask to purchase this painting through Paypal

One afternoon on our trip up to Vancouver BC earlier this month, my husband and I sat in a coffee shop on the corner of Cambie and Broadway just watching people. It was a bright and warm day, so lots of people were out. It was so fun to just keep the camera clicking away. Living in Bend is great, but it's not a city! I really enjoy the diversity when we visit them.

This painting and also the past couple I've posted are done with a limited palette: ultramarine blue, alizaron crimson, alizaron yellow and white. I love that yellow!! It does amazing things compared to what I have used before. It's made by Williamsburg Paints and I purchased it through Jerry's Artarama. It's been a great exercise to be using so few colors. Often while painting with a larger palette, I am not sure if the colors are working together and it seems that using so few produces an automatic harmony.

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