Oil on Board
This is the painting I couldn't finish yesterday. . .my thought while I was working on it today was, "Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time!"
Actually, now that it's finished, it seems OK to me--and OK's not a wow, but it's Friday after a very long week and OK is good enough!
One of the things about deciding to do this blog, for me, is accepting the idea of putting work out for others to see that I might not think is so terrific. It's hard on the ego. Of course, I thought that "well I could always post something I did awhile back that I like better and not even have to put this up here". But I think that situations like this are, for me, a good opportunity to let go a little bit of whatever kind of image I'd like to portray and be happy with--hey! I painted today!! YAY!!