Oil on Canvas
This is a study I did for a painting I hope to do soon. I actually painted it twice! The first one was with the palette I've been using alot over the past year and a half: alizaron crimson, alizaron yellow, ultramarine blue and white. The drama in it was great, the composition better, but the color ended up so muddy! Skin tones were just plain ugly. I decided to try it again using cad yellows, cad red, alizaron crimson, fanchon red and then cobalt blue and viridian. It's better. I am going to keep working on this, though!
Good luck! Its quite an undertaking. I like where you're going with this. Your bride will be very pleased.
Rebecca Painting looks beautiful, very soft. And a great pose for a painting. well done
Great Vicki - thanks for sharing the palette info - this version is lovely, very expressive and soft. Well done!
I love the composition with her flowers behind her. Thanks for sharing the palette info. It's always interesting to see how other artists find their colors.
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