Oil on Gessoboard
$100 plus $10 domestic s/h
click here to ask to purchase this painting through Paypal This ended up being alot of fun to paint. The photo isn't so great, I'll have to replace this tomorrow. This painting, like many I've been working on lately, is the limited palette again. I think there's a challenge to see if I can get the color I want, or something. At any rate, I love the simplicity of using just a few colors. I appreciate the comments about yesterday's post regarding needing stronger reading glasses! Thanks! It's good to know I'm in good company!
I have been using some new brushes lately. I love it when they are fresh and hold their shape! These are Isabey Isacryl brights. I have used Winsor Newton Monarchs and Galleria brushes and really like those, but I'm thinking I may have found "my" brush! One of the catalogs I saw them in said they "wear like iron". I hope it's true!