Thursday, January 17, 2008

"In A Cobalt Bowl"

Oil on Board
$100 includes domestic s/h

This idea was intriguing to me--the cobalt glass bowl, the red plums, the yellow/orangish cloth and the color of the shadows and reflections. Well! I'm not sure at the moment just WHAT to think! I've been experimenting some with using black gesso and I am curious to try this again on a white-gessoed panel that I can tone a different color. It seems that most of the paintings I've tried on the black gesso, I have a hard time getting the color as light as I'd like--but then, again, on one of the paintings, I really like what the black did. On to the next one!

Click here to ask me about purchase information.

1 comment:

indiaartist said...

All three last paintings of yours are beautiful but this one is stunning. Love it and hope to see more. Thanks.