Sunday, January 3, 2010

"Morning's First Hug" (sold)

Oil on Board

As to the painting of the whites on yesterday's post, I meant to mention (for the benefit of anyone whose been in my drawing classes and may be reading this) that I ended up making myself a value scale in order to find the correct values in that painting. It was difficult putting together color and value and I found that I really needed the scale. The values make so much difference in a painting coming out the way you want it to. I find that when something doesn't feel right, it can often be corrected by making something lighter or darker.


Anonymous said...

Oh you have been busy Vicki. great job again.

Mitzi Easley said...

what a lovely cup of coffee I've had this morning reading through your blog Vicki! I am crazy about your work... subject choices, composition, execution-- all marvelous. Look forward to watching and thanks! Mitzi

Leslie Saeta said...

Another beauty! You are obviously so inspired with your wonderful family. Your artwork is magical!