Oil on canvas panel
$100 plus $10 s/h
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Well, first about the painting--of which I haven't been able to do much of lately! These girls were seen at the Merril Potato Festival in October at a community BBQ sponsored by the local Lions Club every year. I was actually gong to concentrate on the one on the left--I was intrigued with her black-line-surrounded eyes, her many studs and her suspicious expression! Maybe that will be another painting. 5x7 is SO SMALL!! Anyway, I working on the other person first and realized that SHE was the subject of this one! She doesn't look too thrilled with her meal. . .
Where's Merrill and what's a Potato Festival? In southern Oregon, about 5 miles from Tule Lake, CA. . .
The Potato Festival comes each October to celebrate the harvest in what at least used to be a big potato-growing area. Football games, a parade, the BBQ, a dance and lots of exhibits in Merrill, which seems like it's always had a population ranging from 750-950 as far as I can remember.
OK--not painting these days is very hard. Maybe the woman in the painting is a reflection of how I feel about that right now--pretty disgruntled. The illustration job I'm doing is very consuming. It is going well and I am pleased with alot of things about it. However, I'm finding it really hard to switch gears to painting--and it is painful to me. Hopefully the coming week will allow for some time at the easel.
First the rules, as I understand them: You link to the person who tagged you in your blog, you mention the rules, you say 7 interesting (or whatever) things about yourself and then tag other bloggers and comment on their blogs to let them know they've been tagged.
THE TAGGEE: me and I was so intimidated by this thing when I thought I had to list 7 INTERESTING things about myself--never have I felt more dull. Fortunately, my husband has a different perspective.
1. I was one of 26 peo0ple in my high school graduating class (in Merrill, of course)--just a small town girl
2. I took a road trip to the Yukon Territory with a "friend" in my bright yellow VW bus back in '78 to fish and camp for about a month; the sight I won't forget is arriving to the top of a hill on a muddy, rutted ALCAN highway and not being able to see a telephone/electric pole or another road or a clearcut for as far as I could see
3. I am a descendent of the Achomawi Tribe (northern California)
4. I have not read WAR AND PEACE and I only skipped the chapters on the Battle of Waterloo in LES MISERABLES
5. I am a 9 on the enneagram
6. I lived alone in a teepee for a few months after said trip to the Yukon. It was great until I sat on a slug in the "teepee-style" outhouse I had and the Oregon rains began in earnest
7. I raised and showed steers and cows in 4-H